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Uni 24-12-2018 - Regulations on compulsory social insurance for foreigners working in Viet Nam

Issue date: 24/12/2018 | 8:55:23 AM

Decree No. 143/2018 / ND-CP of the Government dated 15/10/2018 stipulates the compulsory social insurance premium as follows:

1. As of 01/12/2018, the level and method of payment: Only the monthly employer's contribution is based on the employee's monthly wage contribution fund as follows:

   + 3% to the sickness and maternity fund;

   + 0.5% into the labor accident and occupational disease insurance fund;

2. From 01/01/2022 closing level and closing method:

- Foreign laborers working in Vietnam who are compulsory social insurance beneficiaries, pay 8% of their monthly wages to their superiors and survivors.

- Monthly laborers shall pay laborers' monthly wage contribution premiums as follows:

   + 3% to the sickness and maternity fund;

   + 0.5% into the labor accident and occupational disease insurance fund;

   + 14% to retirement and survivors

3. Laborers who do not work and do not receive wages for 14 working days or more in a month shall not pay social insurance premiums thereon. This period is not counted for social insurance, except for maternity leave.

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